Portfolio Information

  • Created by: Ajda Gregorcic
  • Date: 10/2019
  • Skills: prototype, mobile app design
  • Client: Zavarovalnica Sava, d.d.

This is a concept and prototype of a mobile application LivingRoom, aimed at addressing a specific group of users who are currently inaccessible to insurance companies.

  • Identification of users aged between 35 and 45 who travel frequently, have money, but don’t have much time.
  • Targeting users who do not want a traditional approach to insurance.
  • Introducing an online method for insurance enrollment and in the future establishing pop-up branches tailored to the lifestyle of these users.
  • A simple yet smart questionnaire for intelligent user profiling.
  • Training and selection of existing staff in the insurance company for communication with such customers.

The prototype was developed during the InnovationJam workshop at Tovarna podjemov in Maribor together with a team of experts in insurance from insurance companies across Slovenia.